
Monday, April 29, 2019

Senior is coming to an end

Image result for onu campus map

The past four years have been long and strenuous and they are quickly coming to an end. There has been many ups and many downs but in the end I would not trade it for the world. We are not done yet though. Finals week is right around the corner and now is not the time to check out. I want to give a few help tips to surviving college to those who have a few years left.

The first and foremost tip I want to give is to find a good group of friends. Coming into college most of us do not know many people and are forced to make new friends. These friends may become the most important part of your success and you must pick them wisely.

Another great tip is to be ready to try new things. There are several times where you will come across new opportunities and this is a great time to jump on those opportunities. They may create a path that you never thought of taking and open your life to a new experience.

Do not be afraid to branch out. Try new things while at college. This is a great time to figure out who you are and the best way to do so is by having new experiences. This class is a great example for me. I would have never thought of myself having to write blogs but here I am and it has taught many great things.

College is a time to be yourself so go out there and have fun. Do not be afraid to try new things, meet new people, and explore new possibilities, but the most important tip I can give you is to just have some fun!


  1. It is crazy to think about how fast these four years have gone and how much fun has been had. I really am going to miss ONU and I think anyone interested in going to college should really consider looking at ONU.

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  3. A lot of people think you should go out and make as many friends as possible as soon as you start college. While there is nothing wrong with that, it's important to make genuine connections with people. The journey through college is very lonely if you have no one to lean on. That's why I'm thankful to have my close circle of friends for support. I will miss them all dearly when I graduate.
