
Monday, April 8, 2019

Embracing Change

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Change is a concept that most people are quick to run away from. The thought of change scares us, not knowing the outcome and moving away from the norm. One of the most difficult things to do is to get a large group to embrace change. Edith Onderick-Harvey gives us some ways to motivate a group to be willing to change in her article “5 Ways to Help Your Team Be Open to Change”.

Edith claims that leadership and engagement is not the key to this change, but instead being able to inspire others to adopt the idea of change through creativity and innovation is the key to change.

Edith’s five ways to help change are:

1.       Tell stories about others who moved beyond the status quo.
2.       Create dialogue, inviting others to ask questions and share emotions, experiences, and insights.
3.       Ask “what if?” questions in one-on-one and team meetings.
4.       Set expectations that everyone (including yourself) should acknowledge, and take responsibilities for mistakes. And then, treat mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth.
5.       Champion cross-boundary collaboration and networks to open up thinking and gain new perspectives.

Together these five ways to help with change allow for new ideas and food for thought to enter the team. Telling stories about others succeeding motivates others to go out of their comfort zone to achieve new goals. Creating dialogue brings new ideas and begins innovation. Asking “what if?” brings in new possibilities of where they could be. Expectations provide sets standards and helps the team work in an efficient and structured way to achieve their goals. Cross-boundary collaboration and networking brings in fresh ideas and possibilities that they may not have thought of before.

Change for me always was a scary thought and I never wanted to explore the possibilities that come with that change. However, once I realized that change is literally life changing then I realized the potential that comes with that change. Being able to grow as a person, as student, a worker or whatever you are doing allows us to be not only a better leader but a better follower as well.

These five way are just a few things to easing the idea of change into others but they are not all the ways. Everyone has their own way of embracing change so what is yours?


  1. I will be the first to admit that I am not great with change. I like routine. I am and have always been a creature of habit. When something comes up and throws off my plans, I start to get really anxious. I wish I could embrace change better. I mostly just try and tell myself that it's a good thing and that everything will be fine.

  2. I think this is a good blog for anyone that is about to graduate to read, as a graduating senior you are about to experience a lot of change and there is not a whole lot you can do about it other than grab it by the horns and roll with it. Knowing how to deal with change though is very important and can help you deal with it.
