
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The six Cs of Social Media Writing

The most previous chapter of our book is all about the six Cs of effective writing for social media. These are used to improve your brand and build up your company image by improving how your write on social media. Professional writing is never easy in social media but these are here to help. The six Cs include:

1. Content.
2. Community
3. Culture
4. Conversation
5. Creativity
6. Connection

Image result for the six c's

Content being the first of the six Cs stands out to me the most. I believe that writing for social media is all about the content you are writing about. Having good content is what drawing your readers in and keeps them coming back for more. Without good content in your writing, you will lose your readers. Content is also important to your brand and the voice you have with your brand. Depend on what you are writing about will determine the type of brand and voice you are wanting to have for your company. A company based around sports is not going to spend much time writing about politics, and vice versa.

The key thing to know about content is who your audience is and the channels you are using. You are not going to post the same content on Facebook that you will be posting on Instagram or LinkedIn. Most of the time your audiences will not be the same on each of these account. This is why you must keep the content for each fresh and different. Without content we have no social media.

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