
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

ONU Social Media Workshop 2019

This past Friday, I attend the 4th annual social media workshop, and it was really enlightening for myself. With around 100 people in attendance it was a extremely popular event on campus. The workshop include a total of 11 presentation including the keynote speaker, Amanda Todorovich and the Cleveland Clinic. The following ten presentations where split up into five different blocks in which those in attendance were able to choose which they wanted to listen.

The first presentation that I attended was "From Typewriter to Twitter: How the Dublin Irish Festival Grew From a Tennis Court to Nearly 40 Acres". The interesting thing about this presentation is that I have been to the Irish Festival many times which gave me a connection to the presentation itself. I never would have known the work that they have put into their operation in order to expand the way they did and how import their publicity was to this growth.

Probably my favorite presentation of the day was Dan Farkas's presentation on multimedia in social media. Farkas, a professor at Ohio State showed a lot of enthusiasm in his presentation and showed me that social media is not something we should take advantage of as it plays a key role in social media.

I highly suggest anyone reading this to attend next year's social media workshop if able. Not only will you learn about key things to incorporate into your social media use, but you will have a great time listening to experts on the topic. Social media is no longer a small part of the world we live in, ithas become a part of our everyday life.

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