
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The six Cs of Social Media Writing

The most previous chapter of our book is all about the six Cs of effective writing for social media. These are used to improve your brand and build up your company image by improving how your write on social media. Professional writing is never easy in social media but these are here to help. The six Cs include:

1. Content.
2. Community
3. Culture
4. Conversation
5. Creativity
6. Connection

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Content being the first of the six Cs stands out to me the most. I believe that writing for social media is all about the content you are writing about. Having good content is what drawing your readers in and keeps them coming back for more. Without good content in your writing, you will lose your readers. Content is also important to your brand and the voice you have with your brand. Depend on what you are writing about will determine the type of brand and voice you are wanting to have for your company. A company based around sports is not going to spend much time writing about politics, and vice versa.

The key thing to know about content is who your audience is and the channels you are using. You are not going to post the same content on Facebook that you will be posting on Instagram or LinkedIn. Most of the time your audiences will not be the same on each of these account. This is why you must keep the content for each fresh and different. Without content we have no social media.

ONU Social Media Workshop 2019

This past Friday, I attend the 4th annual social media workshop, and it was really enlightening for myself. With around 100 people in attendance it was a extremely popular event on campus. The workshop include a total of 11 presentation including the keynote speaker, Amanda Todorovich and the Cleveland Clinic. The following ten presentations where split up into five different blocks in which those in attendance were able to choose which they wanted to listen.

The first presentation that I attended was "From Typewriter to Twitter: How the Dublin Irish Festival Grew From a Tennis Court to Nearly 40 Acres". The interesting thing about this presentation is that I have been to the Irish Festival many times which gave me a connection to the presentation itself. I never would have known the work that they have put into their operation in order to expand the way they did and how import their publicity was to this growth.

Probably my favorite presentation of the day was Dan Farkas's presentation on multimedia in social media. Farkas, a professor at Ohio State showed a lot of enthusiasm in his presentation and showed me that social media is not something we should take advantage of as it plays a key role in social media.

I highly suggest anyone reading this to attend next year's social media workshop if able. Not only will you learn about key things to incorporate into your social media use, but you will have a great time listening to experts on the topic. Social media is no longer a small part of the world we live in, ithas become a part of our everyday life.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Coaching Matters

Managing people is never an easy task, and coaching them can prove to be even more difficult. Julia Milner and Trenton Milner, authors of the article “Most Managers Don’t Know How to Coach People. But They Can Learn” discuss that when it comes to most managers, they are not teaching their employees. Instead, they are just simply telling them what to do.

Managers come in all different forms. From managers who are there to help you step by step to those who sit in their offices all day without interaction. They all have their own sense of “what helps”. I wish to discuss why coaching up employees and followers is the more efficient managerial technique.

As used in the Milners’ article, Sir John Whitmore, an expert executive coaching figure, says that the definition of coaching is “unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them”. To me, this definition of coaching is perfect. There is a huge difference between learning and teaching and I do not think enough leaders understand this difference.

Personally, I think that the nine leadership coaching skills that the Milner’s researched are perfect in order to determine what managers should work on to increase their coaching. In my own experience with past leaders and managers, I have found that the ones who possess the most of these skills tend to be the best. Unfortunately, I do not think I fully possess all of these skills as I have not had enough experience in leading yet.

The reason that these nine techniques are so important and why coaching employees is so pivotal to being a manager is due to the interaction they provide with your employees. People enjoy the reassurance that their leader or boss is there to help them, listen to them, and care about them. Sometimes it may not be the easiest for someone to be an interactive manager, but that is okay.

With enough practice and hard work anyone can become a great coach, manager, and leader. Maybe you just need to work on listening to others a little better, or showing people a little more empathy. Either way, everyone has the ability to lead. It is up to us to access and master that ability.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Europe Round Two

Coming up here in a few months I will be making my return to Europe. More Specifically I will be heading to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. My freshman year, I took a trip to Greece and Italy with the Ohio Northern football team and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. We were able to tour the cities, eat a unique cuisine and tough young kids how to player American football.

So, one last time I will be getting to experience it again in new countries. The first trip I made some of my best friend that I have today and they are going back with me!

One of the things I am most excited for is the city of Interlaken. It is a city for tourist and is full of fun activities and adventures to go on. The activity I want to partake in is canyoning. Canyoning is propelling through canyons full of water slides, waterfalls and water-pools. All of which you can slide down, jump off and jump in.

The trip involves much more than canyoning though, we have the opportunity to teach others how to play the sport we loves and the current players get a chance to compete against another European team. The Allgau Comets. Overall I am extremely excited to explore a new place to myself, surrounded by good friends.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Becoming Your Own Writer

The most recent chapter of our book is all about strategic writing. Now I know what you may be thinking because I thought the same thing. You need a strategy to write on social media? Well, yes we do. Social media is more than just a means for communication. It is a place where you can become the writer you want to be. If you are interested seeing the guide to strategic plan in which I read, it can be found in our book Social Media for Strategic Communication.

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The first step of is knowing what type of content in which you want to use. If you are not sure about what you are talking about how will your readers know what you are trying to tell them? However, having good content is not all that goes into being a good writer.

You must possess a good brand voice. Brand voice does not come from your own perspective, but it should be unique, authentic, and memorable. It should connect you to your audience and draw them in.

The last step of this all is having a good vision. The purpose of a vision is to where you see your organization or profile on being. Once you complete your vision you make your mission which how you intend on accomplishing your vision and getting where you want to be.

Social media is all about being your own person. Creating your own vision and your own mission is up to you. Eventually it will determine what type of writer you are and you can make your profile from there.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Overcoming A Motivation Vacuum

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When it comes down to it, we all have times where we have a lack of motivation to do our jobs. There are various reasons for this to happen, but a few stick out more than others. Richard E. Clark and Bror Saxberg wrote an article in the Harvard Business Review which highlights four reasons and how you can address them.

The first reason in which they talk about is “I don’t care enough to do this”. This is often found in work environments where the manager only thinks about what interest themselves and not their employees. This results in the employees having a lack of interest to keep them motivated to work. As a Sport Management major I have a high interest in sport related jobs, this gives me confidence that I will never lose motivation in my field. However, this does not apply for everyone. Clark and Saxberg explain that in order to help combat this issue, a manager should be able to show value in the task and to find out what interest the employees.

The next reason is “I don’t think I’m able to do this”. This lack of motivation comes from ones low confidence in themselves and their work. As a leader it is extremely important to support your follows and provide them with help if they need it. Doing so may give them the confidence boost they need in order to accomplish their task.

Clark and Saxberg’s third reason is “I’m too upset to do this”. A large reason for this absent of motivation comes from an employee’s emotions. Often we let our own emotions alter our effort and work. I believe that one of my greatest tools is my ability to listen to a person without showing any sign of judgement. Sometimes all we need is to get things off our chest without being critiqued, however it is also helpful to know someone is there to help if you need any. This is why I believe being a good listen as well as providing help to employees is a great way to avoid this type of motivation vacuum.

The last reason is “I don’t know what went wrong with this”. This is probably one of the biggest reason I have found myself finding a loss of motivation. I cannot remember how many times I have found myself being stuck on a particular assignment or problem and not knowing what happened to get there. A good leader should be able to offer a hand to find the problem and think of a way to overcome it.

Like I said earlier these are not the only reasons that we lose motivation, but there is always a way to overcome the problem and regain our motivation to complete our task.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

My Spring Break

This past week I had the privilege to travel to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for my spring break. It turned out to be one of the most exciting weeks of my life and I am glad I had the chance to experience it.

To start things off me and my friends left Ada around 5 PM on Friday and did not arrive until around 2 PM on Saturday. That's right, it was a 21 hour drive when it was all said and done. We only had an idea of what our house really looked like so when we walked in we were all taken back. White marble flooring, white walls, black electric piano, even a signed Dwayne Wade jersey framed on the wall, and that was just the foyer! The back yard had a canal with a pontoon boat, a hot tube, plenty of chair and even a hammock help up by two palm trees.

With how nice our house was we could have just stayed there the whole time, but this was spring break and we all came for the beach. The first day on the beach the temperatures reached upper 89 degrees. It truly felt like we were in paradise! We all met up with friends while on the beach and had a Ohio Northern beach takeover of sorts.

Later that night we all got dressed up and took our "spring break" pictures. Following that we got a nice dinner and headed into town to enjoy ourselves.

These events would repeat themselves for most of the days we were there besides a few minor details changing, such as our beach location, who we were with or where we went to eat. At the end of the day it did not bother us because it was all truly about having fun and enjoying the company of good friends. By the end of the week we were all exhausted, out of money and did not want to go home. However, we all had to face reality and make the long journey home.

Overall I would do it again in a heartbeat and I was sad to have it end. I'm glad I got to enjoy my time there and make many memories with my friends. I am sure I will never forget spring break of 2019.