
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Abundance of Social Media Jobs

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The next chapter in our book, "Social Media for Strategic Communication" is all about social media professionals. Social media is a rapidly growing industry and with its growth comes the need for more people to fill its roles. The unique thing about the social media industry according to Karen Freberg, author of the book, is that it is hard to define a social media expert. With how fast platforms evolve and advance industry workers are always having to learn new things and adapt to updates to the platforms.

Just because there is no "expert" in social media, does not mean every role is important. When it comes down to a social media job, it is more beneficial to be a part of multiple platforms include blogs and multiple channels. This increases the odds of acquiring a job, as you are a more versatile worker.

When looking for a job in the social media world it is important to think about where you might want to work. Are you a more structured type of worker that is a large business, or would you rather work for a smaller business or just for yourself? Either way, there is a job out there for you. The best thing about this industry is that there are jobs everywhere due to how new social media is.

Freberg gives a list of multiple different fields you can go into. Being a sport management major the field that stood out the most to myself is the sports field. I always knew that social media is important to the world of sports, but never did I think it was so pivotal to the industry. Every part of the field requires social media. From stories about the game and content creation to fan engagement and social media account management, everything has a role to be filled.

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